​CRIF has been awarded the international tender issued by Mitigan, a Tunisian entity with the scope of providing information and risk management services, which is officially authorized by the Data Protection Authority to establish a full-fledged credit bureau in Tunisia.

Thanks to its international experience and technological platform, CRIF has been selected by Mitigan as its strategic partner and shareholder of the company, which will develop a world-class credit and insurance bureau in Tunisia.
Specifically, Mitigan in partnership with CRIF, will help bridge an important information and structural gap by implementing a credit bureau as well as offering credit bureau scores and risk prediction tools.

The development of the first private credit bureau in Tunisia, which will collect data from banks, financial organizations, insurance companies, telcos, utilities and micro-finance institutions, will positively impact on the country by facilitating access to credit, especially for the younger segments of the population and new entrepreneurs who don’t have collaterals and a sufficiently complete credit history. Since there isn’t a local claims management system, the implementation of an insurance bureau platform could translate into important savings due to fraud reduction and more effective pricing strategies.