​The CRIF Credit Framework was assessed “best-in-class” in all four categories, Sales & Application, Loan Decisioning, Loan Processing and Enterprise Support, of the CEB TowerGroup “Loan Origination Systems” technology analysis published in October which evaluated 17 global loan origination providers.

According to the CEB TowerGroup report, “From a functional standpoint, the CRIF Credit Framework offers one of the widest range of features and capabilities of any solution featured in this report.”

Get a free copy of the CEB TowerGroup Loan Origination Technology Analysis by writing to info@crifdecisionsolutions.com and learn about the latest challenges that financial institutions are facing and strategies to overcome them, along with an example of how a CRIF financial services customer using the CRIF Credit Framework allowed them to respond quicker, cut costs, make more accurate decisions and be compliance-ready.

The CRIF Credit Framework is comprised of a suite of lending and decision management technology components that work together seamlessly to offer a highly configurable lending system, delivering control, flexibility and time to market to financial institutions around the globe.