Shanghai, December 1-2, 2016

The 2nd China Internet Finance Credit Reporting Forum was held on December 1-2, 2016 in Shanghai. With the theme of ‘The Fusion of Global Experience, The Extension of Application Space’, the forum attracted more than 200 industry players from China and overseas to explore industry development trends and share practical insights.

The Chinese internet finance market has grown rapidly in recent years, and credit information is playing an important role in this particular phase because it enables risk identification, control and prevention. Therefore, a number of industry experts were invited to the forum to discuss and analyze the current scenario and credit market development, technology innovations and credit applications. During the forum, Galina Ho, General Manager of CRIF Asia, shared CRIF’s solution as well as its experience of cross-border e-commerce payment and risk management in Europe, and how to apply it to the Chinese market. Next, Hubert Pai, Senior Vice President of CCIS, a CRIF company based in Taiwan, was invited to introduce the latest trends in Taiwan's credit information industry and the credit information solution for supply chain financing in Taiwan and China.
The event brought together representatives from government organizations, associations and various industries, including credit reporting, banking, P2P lending, IT finance, consumer finance, fund insurance, commercial factoring and solution providers to explore the future of the internet finance credit reporting industry in China.